gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwe’s Mnangagwa meets Putin in St. Petersburg – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwe’s Mnangagwa meets Putin in St. Petersburg

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St. Petersburg, Russia –President Emmerson Mnangagwa has met Russian leader Vladimir Putin ahead of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The Zimbabwe leader flew to Russia from South Korea, where he attended the South Korea-Africa Summit

Mnangagwa’s administration has deep its ties with Russia, with both nations engaging in significant bilateral and diplomatic cooperation. Amid prolonged Western sanctions, Zimbabwe has increasingly turned to Russia for economic and political support, harking back to the days of the liberation struggle when the Soviet Union was a critical ally.

The relationship between Zimbabwe and Russia dates back to the 1970s, during Zimbabwe’s fight for independence from British colonial rule. The Soviet Union, Russia’s predecessor, provided crucial support to Zimbabwean liberation movements, supplying arms and training to fighters. This historical bond has laid a solid foundation for the current bilateral ties.

In recent years, Russia has emerged as a key economic partner for Zimbabwe. The two countries have engaged in various agreements, particularly in the mining sector. Russian companies have been granted extensive mineral rights in Zimbabwe, enabling them to exploit vast deposits of precious minerals such as platinum and gold. This partnership is vital for Zimbabwe’s economy, which has been crippled by Western sanctions imposed in response to human rights abuses and electoral fraud.

The military relationship between the two countries remains robust. Russia has supplied Zimbabwe with arms, bolstering its defense capabilities. Recently, Russia provided helicopter ambulances to improve Zimbabwe’s medical evacuation services, showcasing the multifaceted nature of their cooperation.

On the political front, Russia has been a staunch supporter of Zimbabwe on the international stage. Amid Western criticism and sanctions, Russia has consistently defended Zimbabwe’s sovereignty. This support extends to Zimbabwe’s ambition to join the BRICS group of emerging economies, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Mnangagwa’s administration views BRICS membership as a strategic move to bolster Zimbabwe’s global economic and political influence.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has openly endorsed Zimbabwe’s bid to join BRICS, highlighting the mutual benefits of such an alliance. “Zimbabwe’s inclusion in BRICS would strengthen the group and provide new opportunities for cooperation,” Putin remarked during a recent diplomatic visit.

Western sanctions have significantly impacted Zimbabwe’s economy, leading to hyperinflation, unemployment, and widespread poverty. These sanctions, primarily imposed by the United States and the European Union, aim to pressure the Zimbabwean government into implementing democratic reforms and respecting human rights. However, the Mnangagwa administration has criticized these measures as unjust and counterproductive, arguing that they harm ordinary Zimbabweans more than the political elite.

In response to the sanctions, Zimbabwe has sought to diversify its international partnerships, with Russia playing a pivotal role in this strategy. The Mnangagwa administration believes that strengthening ties with non-Western countries can help mitigate the economic impact of the sanctions.

The deepening relationship between Zimbabwe and Russia presents both opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, Russian investment and support can provide much-needed economic relief and development. On the other hand, the reliance on Russia could draw Zimbabwe into the geopolitical tensions between Russia and Western powers.

Furthermore, while the alliance with Russia offers immediate economic benefits, it is crucial for Zimbabwe to continue pursuing broader international engagement. Joining BRICS, for instance, could open up new avenues for trade and investment, reducing the country’s economic dependency on any single nation.

As Zimbabwe navigates the complexities of international diplomacy and economic development, its relationship with Russia remains a cornerstone of its foreign policy. The historical ties, economic cooperation, and political support from Russia provide a buffer against the challenges posed by Western sanctions. However, the Mnangagwa administration must balance these ties with efforts to diversify its international partnerships and pursue broader economic reforms.

The journey towards BRICS membership represents a significant step in this direction, reflecting Zimbabwe’s aspiration to become a more integrated and influential player on the global stage.