gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mnangagwa’s binga loyalists attack Wicknell Chivhayo – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mnangagwa’s binga loyalists attack Wicknell Chivhayo

Moses Mpofu (left) and Mike Chimombe (right))
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Harare, – In a dramatic turn of events, Zanu PF activist Mike Chimombe and his business partner Moses Mpofu have accused businessman Wicknell Chivhayo of fraudulently altering a contract involving a US$40 million tender.

The contract, initially between South African company Ren-Form and Better Brands—Pedzisayi Scott Sakupwanya’s entity—was for the supply of biometric voter registration kits and other electoral materials to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) during last year’s general elections.

Chimombe and Mpofu’s accusations were detailed in a scathing letter to Chivhayo, which has been extensively quoted in an exclusive investigation by The NewsHawks. The investigation revealed that invoices for the tender were inflated by up to 235%, suggesting widespread corruption.

Chivhayo, now benefiting from the lucrative tender, has allegedly sidelined his partners, Chimombe and Mpofu, while he spends the money extravagantly. Known for his flamboyant lifestyle, Chivhayo is reportedly using the funds to purchase luxury cars, designer clothes, and mansions.

The Zimbabwe Mail promises further revelations, continuing its in-depth investigation into the corrupt dealings within ZEC.

