Zimbabwe Awaits Funding to Upgrade Stadiums, Says Sports Minister Kirsty Coventry

Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation Minister Kirsty Coventry
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HARARE – Zimbabwe’s Sports Minister Kirsty Coventry has announced that the ministry is awaiting funding to upgrade the country’s stadiums, which currently fail to meet FIFA standards. As a result, the national soccer team is compelled to play its matches abroad.

Minister Coventry acknowledged the critical issue of inadequate stadium infrastructure, emphasizing the urgent need for government investment to enhance the country’s sports facilities.

The substandard conditions of local stadiums have not only prevented the national team from competing on home soil but also deprived Zimbabwean fans of the chance to support their team in person.

“This situation is pressing and underscores the necessity for the government to prioritize funding for stadium upgrades,” Coventry stated. “Ensuring our teams can play at home is vital for their performance and for the morale of our supporters.”

The ministry’s call for funds highlights the broader implications of the current state of sports infrastructure, stressing the importance of swift government action to resolve this issue and reinstate home-ground advantages for Zimbabwe’s national team.