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Zimbabwe Military General declares Zanu PF will rule forever

Zimbabwe's army commander, General Anselem Nhamo Sanyatwe
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HARARE –  Zimbabwe’s army commander, General Anselem Nhamo Sanyatwe, has made a bold and provocative assertion that the ruling ZANU-PF party would govern the country indefinitely.

His statements, in a recent and highly contentious video making the rounds on social media, have sparked intense debate and concern, both domestically and internationally, highlighting the deeply entwined relationship between the military and politics in Zimbabwe.

General Sanyatwe, following in the footsteps of the late General Vitalis Zvinavashe, made his declarations during a rally in Manicaland. His use of a vivid and evocative metaphor—”Zanu-PF will rule Zimbabweans until a time when donkeys have horns”—served to emphasize his belief in the unchallenged and perpetual dominance of the ZANU-PF party. This metaphor starkly conveys the general’s view of the political landscape as one where the ruling party’s authority remains unassailable and eternal.

Perhaps most alarming was General Sanyatwe’s elaboration on the concept of “Command Voting.” Speaking in his official capacity as the army commander, he asserted that the military would ensure the continuation of ZANU-PF’s rule through a predetermined election outcome, effectively sidelining public opinion and genuine democratic choice.

“Command Voting” refers to a process where elections are orchestrated by the military to produce a desired result, starkly undermining the principles of free and fair elections. This approach relies heavily on coercion and force, representing a direct affront to the democratic process and the will of the Zimbabwean people.

General Sanyatwe’s speech did not stop at advocating for “Command Voting.” He concluded his address with chants of pro-ZANU-PF slogans and launched into a denunciation of “enemies,” a barely veiled reference to opposition parties and their supporters. This rhetoric is not new in Zimbabwean politics; it reflects a longstanding pattern where the military acts as an enforcer for the ruling party, using intimidation and suppression to maintain ZANU-PF’s grip on power.

The general’s statements have ignited outrage among proponents of democracy and human rights. They view his remarks as a blatant admission of the regime’s reliance on authoritarian tactics to sustain its rule. The concept of “Command Voting” has become a symbol of a broader strategy to subvert democratic institutions and processes, ensuring that power remains concentrated within a select elite.

Critics argue that such declarations from high-ranking military officials underscore the deep-seated corruption and lack of accountability within the ZANU-PF party. They call for increased international scrutiny and intervention to uphold democratic values and protect the rights of Zimbabwean citizens. Organizations advocating for human rights and democracy have expressed alarm, emphasizing the need for global attention to the situation in Zimbabwe.

As Zimbabwe grapples with these challenges, the words of General Sanyatwe serve as a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle for genuine democracy and the rule of law in the nation. The intertwined relationship between the military and the ruling party complicates efforts to establish a truly democratic political landscape. The international community watches closely, hoping for a shift towards a more inclusive and representative government.

In conclusion, the controversial statements by General Anselem Nhamo Sanyatwe have brought to light the significant challenges facing Zimbabwe’s democratic process. The assertion of perpetual ZANU-PF rule, coupled with the concept of “Command Voting,” paints a grim picture of the current political environment. As calls for international intervention grow louder, the hope remains that Zimbabwe can move towards a future where democracy, human rights, and the rule of law are upheld for all its citizens.