gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zanu-PF Politburo Convenes to Address Party Divisions and National Issues – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zanu-PF Politburo Convenes to Address Party Divisions and National Issues

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HARARE — The ruling Zanu-PF’s central committee, the politburo, is set to meet this afternoon to deliberate on critical issues affecting both the party and the nation.

The meeting comes amidst growing internal discord over President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s potential plans to extend his presidency beyond the current constitutional limit.

The politburo’s agenda will likely focus on the contentious topic of President Mnangagwa’s tenure. Currently serving his second term, Mnangagwa faces a constitutional limit that bars him from running again in 2028. However, discussions within the party suggest he may seek to extend his term either by pushing the next election to 2030 or by amending the constitution to allow for a third term.

The debate over Mnangagwa’s future has deeply divided Zanu-PF. Some members support the president’s bid to continue his leadership, arguing that it would provide stability and continuity. Others, however, believe that adhering to the constitutional limits is crucial for maintaining democratic principles and preventing authoritarianism.

Options on the Table

Among the options being considered are:

  • Term Extension: Amending the constitution to allow President Mnangagwa to serve a third term.
  • Election Postponement: Delaying the 2028 elections until 2030, which would effectively extend Mnangagwa’s current term by two years.
  • Dropping Third Term Ambition: Abandoning the more controversial bid for a third term and instead seeking other means to influence the political landscape post-2028.

Potential Implications

The politburo’s decisions could have far-reaching implications for Zimbabwe’s political future. Extending Mnangagwa’s term could lead to increased political tension and possible unrest, both within the party and among the general populace. Conversely, a commitment to the constitutional limits could bolster democratic norms and potentially ease some of the internal strife within Zanu-PF.

As the politburo meets, all eyes will be on the outcomes of their discussions. The decisions made today will not only shape the future of the Zanu-PF but also set a significant precedent for Zimbabwe’s adherence to democratic principles and constitutional governance.