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Mnangagwa fears ZANU-PF internal revolt

Emmerson Mnangagwa
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HARARE – In the backdrop of resistence to his second term extension to 2030, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has called on Zanu PF party members to remain vigilant against individuals attempting to manipulate the ongoing restructuring process within the party.

Speaking at a recent party meeting, President Mnangagwa emphasized the importance of transparency and integrity during the restructuring efforts. He warned against schemes that could undermine the party’s unity and objectives.

“We must be on guard against those who seek to exploit this restructuring programme for their own gain,” Mnangagwa stated. “Our goal is to strengthen the party and ensure that it remains united and focused on serving the people of Zimbabwe.”

The restructuring initiative, aimed at revitalizing Zanu PF’s organizational structure and aligning it with contemporary political challenges, has been a critical focus for the party. It seeks to enhance efficiency, promote inclusivity, and ensure robust representation at all levels.

Mnangagwa urged party members to report any suspicious activities or individuals attempting to subvert the restructuring process. He highlighted that only through collective vigilance could the party safeguard its integrity and ensure the restructuring achieves its intended purpose.

“Let us expose any schemers and manipulators within our ranks. We need a transparent and fair process that reflects the true will of our members,” he said.

The President acknowledged that internal challenges are inevitable during such significant organizational changes. However, he expressed confidence that Zanu PF members possess the resilience and commitment necessary to overcome these obstacles and emerge stronger.

“We are a party built on strong foundations. We have faced challenges before and have always emerged victorious. This restructuring is no different,” Mnangagwa reassured.

President Mnangagwa’s call to action underscores his commitment to fostering unity within Zanu PF. By addressing potential manipulation and ensuring a transparent restructuring process, he aims to fortify the party’s cohesion and prepare it for future electoral challenges.

As Zanu PF continues its restructuring efforts, President Mnangagwa’s message serves as a reminder of the importance of vigilance, transparency, and unity. Party members are encouraged to work together to safeguard the integrity of the process and ensure the party’s continued strength and effectiveness in serving the nation.