Mudenda’s Reversal of CCC Appointments Highlights Political Bias and Double Standards

Jacob Mudenda
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HARARE, — Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda has been accused of double standards and political bias following his recent reversal of Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) interim leader Jameson Timba’s portfolio committee appointments.

Mudenda invalidated Timba’s appointments, citing that Timba lacks the authority to represent the party.

Ironically, Mudenda had previously upheld the actions of self-imposed CCC Secretary-General Sengezo Tshabangu, who recalled several opposition MPs, despite similar claims of lacking authority.

This past week, Mudenda rescinded his February 15, 2024, announcement of Timba’s appointments, stating, “On reflection, I should not have acted upon that letter as facts now show that Jameson Timba had no locus standi to represent a party in such a manner.”

Mudenda pointed out that Timba was recalled from the Senate by the CCC on November 7, 2023, and had unsuccessfully challenged his recall in court. Additionally, the High Court barred Timba and other former CCC members from contesting the February 3, 2024, by-elections under the CCC banner following Tshabangu’s application.

“Considering that Jameson Timba had been recalled by the same CCC Party he was purporting to represent, and that he was also banned by the courts from contesting under the banner of the same CCC Party, his communication to Parliament and the appointments made thereafter, are therefore null and void,” Mudenda stated. He referred the matter back to the CCC to make appropriate appointments.

Mudenda’s stance starkly contrasts his previous refusal to review Tshabangu’s recalls of elected MPs, despite former CCC leader Nelson Chamisa’s insistence that Tshabangu had no authority within the party. Tshabangu had written to Mudenda, recalling several MPs, actions Mudenda upheld despite Chamisa’s objections.

Chamisa had sent a letter to Parliament denying Tshabangu’s legitimacy and asserting that no one other than himself was authorized to communicate on behalf of CCC MPs. Chamisa described Tshabangu as a fraud and insisted that Tshabangu’s name did not appear on any official CCC membership registers. He further emphasized that the party had no position titled Secretary-General or interim Secretary-General as claimed by Tshabangu.

“None of the MPs who were elected under the CCC have been expelled from the party I lead or recalled from the National Assembly,” Chamisa wrote. “The conduct of Mr. Tshabangu is a clear act of criminality. Criminal charges have been filed against him. Please disregard any correspondence from Tshabangu.”

Despite Chamisa’s assertions, Mudenda ignored the letter and continued to uphold Tshabangu’s recalls of MPs, which ultimately resulted in ZANU PF securing a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly.