gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimra office assistant “hacks” supervisor’s computer, illegally and fraudulently imports 400 cars into Zimbabwe – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimra office assistant “hacks” supervisor’s computer, illegally and fraudulently imports 400 cars into Zimbabwe

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A former Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) employee, Yvonne Tambudzai Musoni, has been implicated in a massive fraud scheme involving the illicit importation of over 400 vehicles into the country.

Tambudzai Yvonne Musoni, a former office assistant at Zimra’s Harare Port, allegedly hacked her supervisor’s computer and exploited his electronic signature to approve the importation of vehicles under the civil servants rebate scheme. This audacious act of corruption has exposed the vulnerability of a system designed to assist long-serving civil servants in purchasing their own vehicles.

Musoni’s audacious feat represents more than 10 per cent of the total number of vehicles illegally imported under this scheme, which was initially designed to assist long-serving civil servants in purchasing their own vehicles for personal use. However, what was meant to be a noble initiative has been tainted by the pervasive abuse of power and corruption.

Musoni’s audacious feat represents more than 10 per cent of the total number of vehicles illegally imported under this scheme, which was initially designed to assist long-serving civil servants in purchasing their own vehicles for personal use. However, what was meant to be a noble initiative has been tainted by the pervasive abuse of power and corruption.

The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) and Zimra joined forces to uncover this massive scam, which has exposed the deep-rooted corruption within the authority. Their joint investigation revealed that a staggering 3,000 vehicles were unlawfully imported through the abuse of tax rebates intended for civil servants since the scheme’s inception in 2019.

The intricate web of deceit began to unravel when Mr. Philbert Muchechetere, Musoni’s supervisor, received an email from Beitbridge Border post shift supervisor, Ms. Winfred Chiyangwa, seeking confirmation of the authenticity of two civil servant rebate letters bearing his signature. Alarmed by these suspicious letters, Muchechetere embarked on a thorough investigation into the clearance of public servants’ vehicles at Beitbridge Border Post.

“I discovered there was no trail showing that the rebate letters in question had originated from our office,” explained Muchechetere. “Being suspicious of Yvonne Tambudzai Musoni, I launched investigations into Beitbridge Border Post clearances of public servants’ vehicles.”

During the investigation, it was revealed that Musoni had hacked into her supervisor’s computer and obtained his electronic signature, which she used to sign and stamp the fraudulent rebate letters. This elaborate scheme allowed her to assume the role of confirming the authenticity of public servants’ rebate letters, a responsibility that should have involved a team of officials to prevent corruption.

Furthermore, it was discovered that Musoni had possession of Mr. Muchechetere’s electronic signature, which she utilized to insert it onto the fake rebate letters. This egregious act was made possible due to her sole authority in confirming the authenticity of the rebate letters issued through the Harare office.

The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority’s internal audit division conducted targeted audits into public servants’ rebates, unearthing a plethora of fake civil servant rebate letters bearing Mr. Muchechetere’s signature. The gravity of the situation became evident as over 400 fraudulent rebate letters were discovered within a mere two weeks of launching the investigation.

To perpetrate this fraudulent scheme, individuals seeking to import vehicles under the rebate scheme needed to submit various documents, including an authorization letter from the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment Promotion. Musoni’s role as an office assistant involved the downloading and recording of these documents, which were then transferred to the registry department for further processing.

While the investigation continues, Musoni remains at large, reportedly seeking refuge in Cape Town, South Africa. Efforts to bring her to justice are ongoing, as law enforcement agencies collaborate to ensure she faces the full extent of the law for her alleged involvement in this massive corruption scandal.

Several individuals who colluded with Musoni have already been apprehended and prosecuted, shedding light on the extensive network of corruption that supported her illicit activities. As the hunt for Musoni intensifies, it is clear that this case serves as a stark reminder of the pressing need to eradicate corruption and restore public trust in the Zimbabwean government institutions.