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Mnangagwa Clarifies Term Limits and Future Leadership Transition

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MUTARE – President Emmerson Mnangagwa clarified his stance on term limits, underscoring that both the Party and National Constitutions stipulate a maximum of two terms for the presidency. Mnangagwa, currently serving his second term, emphasized that he is approaching the end of his tenure and is preparing for a well-deserved rest.

In a recent address delivered in Shona “When the time comes,” President Mnangagwa stated, “ZANU PF will convene to elect a new leader. This process is crucial for maintaining national stability.” He further highlighted the importance of adhering to the party line and maintaining party discipline, stressing that these principles are vital for the cohesion and future success of ZANU PF.

Mnangagwa’s comments come at a time of heightened political interest regarding the future leadership of Zimbabwe. His assurance of adhering to the constitutional term limits aims to quell speculation about potential attempts to extend his presidency beyond the prescribed terms. By reaffirming his commitment to step down after his current term, Mnangagwa seeks to reinforce the integrity of Zimbabwe’s democratic processes and the stability of the nation.

The President’s remarks also touched on the sensitive issue of succession within ZANU PF, a topic that has historically been fraught with tension and intrigue. Mnangagwa’s emphasis on party discipline and the adherence to established procedures for electing a new leader is a clear message to party members about the importance of unity and order during the transition period.

Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, along with other influential figures such as the War Veterans and the military, are expected to play significant roles in the succession dynamics. The influence of these groups has been prominent since the ousting of former President Robert Mugabe, and their support will be crucial for any aspiring leader within ZANU PF.


The legacy of the Mugabe era continues to cast a long shadow over Zimbabwe’s political landscape. Mnangagwa himself rose to power with substantial support from the military, which played a decisive role in Mugabe’s removal. This military influence remains a key factor in the political equation, as does the support of the War Veterans, who have historically been a powerful constituency within ZANU PF.

Among those being touted as potential successors is Frederick Shava, Zimbabwe’s current Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Shava’s extensive diplomatic experience and long-standing ties within the party make him a notable contender. However, the eventual outcome will depend on a complex interplay of party loyalty, military influence, and strategic alliances.

As President Mnangagwa nears the end of his term, the focus on succession within ZANU PF will intensify. His recent statements are an attempt to provide clarity and reassurance about the future leadership transition, emphasizing that it will be conducted in a manner that ensures continuity and stability for Zimbabwe.

The President’s call for adherence to party discipline and the constitutional framework is a reminder to all factions within ZANU PF of the importance of unity. As the party prepares for this significant transition, the eyes of the nation and the international community will be watching closely to see how Zimbabwe navigates this critical juncture in its political history.

In conclusion, President Mnangagwa’s reaffirmation of the two-term limit and his commitment to a smooth leadership transition are pivotal for the future of Zimbabwe. By upholding these principles, he aims to cement a legacy of stability and democratic integrity, paving the way for a new generation of leadership within ZANU PF.