gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Chivayo Disowns Leaked Taped Voice Implicating Mnangagwa and Senior Officials In Sleaze Deals – The Zimbabwe Mail

Chivayo Disowns Leaked Taped Voice Implicating Mnangagwa and Senior Officials In Sleaze Deals

Wicknell Chivayo and his sidekick Emmerson Mnangagwa
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HARARE — The beleaguered controversial Harare businessman Wicknell Chivayo has publicly disowned the contents of leaked voice messages implicating President Emmerson Mnangagwa and senior government officials in illicit deals.

In a detailed statement posted on X (formerly Twitter), Chivayo apologized to the President, the First Lady, and other government officials, categorically denying the allegations made in the tapes.

The controversy began when voice messages purportedly featuring Chivayo surfaced, alleging murky financial transactions involving high-level government figures. These messages suggested payments to a “DG” and another individual referred to as “moms,” which many interpreted as implicating a Director General and potentially other senior officials.

In his statement, Chivayo firmly rejected the authenticity of the messages, labeling them as “undoubtedly false and deliberately fabricated.” He acknowledged the negative perception these messages have created, particularly concerning sensitive government offices and the private sector. Chivayo expressed regret over the harmful implications these allegations could have on public trust in government institutions.

“Whilst the content of the alleged voice messages is undoubtedly false and deliberately fabricated, I understand the adverse impression that it has created on certain sensitive offices in both Government and the private sector,” Chivayo wrote. He clarified that the terms “DG” and “moms” have been misconstrued to imply corrupt activities involving government officials.

Chivayo emphasized his limited financial contributions to specific philanthropic initiatives, including a $20,000 donation to the ED UNZA Scholarship in 2023 and to the Angel of Hope Foundation. He categorically denied making any payments to President Mnangagwa, the First Lady, or any government official beyond these donations.
“For the avoidance of doubt, I have never paid the Head of State, the First Lady, or any other Government official anything outside of the two donations that I have referred to above,” he asserted.

Further distancing himself from the allegations, Chivayo stated, “I do not hold or exert any influence or control over the President, the First Lady, the First Family, Government officials, or any public entity. I am an ordinary card-carrying member of ZANU PF, which I proudly support.”

Chivayo extended his apologies to President Mnangagwa, the First Lady, and other implicated officials, including Director Generals in various government departments. “I hereby express my deep regret and profound apology to the esteemed office of H. E. President E. D. Mnangagwa, the First Lady, the First Family, and any office or public official that these fake voice messages may have adversely affected or drawn into disrepute,” he said. He praised the integrity of Director Generals, asserting that they are men and women of unquestionable character who should not be unjustly dragged into such controversies.

To further underscore his commitment to transparency, Chivayo pledged full cooperation with any investigations into the matter. “I undertake to fully assist to the greatest possible extent, in demonstrating how the fake voice messages are devoid of any truth,” he promised. He specifically denied ever paying money to Isaac Moyo, Director General of the Central Intelligence Organisation, or Martin Rushwaya, Chief Secretary in the President and Cabinet, for any services.

Reaffirming his commitment to ethical business practices, Chivayo concluded, “I wish to restate that I am a law-abiding citizen and businessman of international repute who upholds the highest level of integrity in all my business transactions. I do not condone any corrupt practices and I thoroughly condemn any illicit, criminal, or unethical conduct in both the public and private sectors.”

Chivayo also announced plans for a comprehensive investigation into the leaked messages, pledging that the findings would be made public.

“I give my personal undertaking to cause a comprehensive investigation of this matter through the appropriate State authorities, whose findings will be made available in the public interest,” he assured.

As the situation unfolds, Chivayo’s strong denial and commitment to transparency will be closely scrutinized by both the public and government authorities.