gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu Arrested Over Presidential Goat Scheme Fraud – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu Arrested Over Presidential Goat Scheme Fraud

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Harare, Zimbabwe – In a major development, Zanu PF-linked businessmen Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu have been arrested and are now at the Harare Magistrates Court for their initial appearance.

The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has charged them with fraud related to the Presidential Goat Scheme.

Chimombe and Mpofu are accused of receiving ZWL 1.6 billion to deliver goats under the scheme but allegedly failing to fulfill their contractual obligations. This high-profile case has garnered significant attention due to the prominent status of the businessmen and the substantial amount of money involved.

The two arrived at the court under tight security, attracting considerable media coverage and public interest. Although the specific charges have not yet been disclosed, the allegations point to serious accusations of financial misconduct.

ZACC’s involvement underscores the gravity of the situation, suggesting potential wider implications for both the individuals involved and the broader business and political landscape in Zimbabwe.

As this story unfolds, further details are expected to emerge, providing clarity on the charges and the circumstances surrounding this high-stakes case.

Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.