gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mudenda rescinds appointment of Chamisa-aligned MPs to committees – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mudenda rescinds appointment of Chamisa-aligned MPs to committees

Jacob Mudenda
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HARARE – A faction of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) suffered a blow on Tuesday when Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda rescinded its appointment of portfolio point-persons made in February.

Chipinge South MP Clifford Hlatwayo had been named as the CCC’s leader of the house with Nomathemba Ndlovu, the proportional representation MP for Matabeleland South, as chief whip in a letter sent to Mudenda by Jameson Timba, who has declared himself as the party’s interim new leader.

Mudenda now says he made a mistake by acting on Timba’s letter. Instead, he has now invited a rival faction led by Prof Welshman Ncube to submit its list of leaders in parliament.

The Speaker told MPs on Tuesday: “On Thursday, February 15, 2024, I made an announcement in the House on the appointment of several members of the CCC party to various portfolios in parliament. The announcement was based on a letter authored by one Mr. Jameson Timba, purporting to be the interim leader of the CCC party.

“On reflection, I should not have acted upon that letter as facts now thereof before me show that Jameson Timba had no locus standi to represent a party in such a manner as I will outline below.

“Jameson Timba was recalled from the Senate by the CCC party on November 7, 2023, the party which he purported to represent as the acting leader and administrator.

“Jameson Timba challenged the recall in the High Court under case number HCH 6684/23 with other former members of the CCC party and lost the court case. He was also among the former members of the CCC party whom the High Court barred on December 9, 2023, from contesting the February 3, 2024, by-elections under the CCC party following Sengezo Tshabangu’s application to block them from participating in the polls under the CCC banner.

“Considering that Jameson Timba had been recalled by the same CCC party he was purporting to represent, and that he was also banned by the courts from contesting under the banner of the same CCC party, his communication to parliament and the appointments made thereafter, are therefore null and void. Accordingly, I am rescinding the announcement on February 15, 2024, and referring the matter back to the CCC party to make the appropriate appointments.”

The other CCC MPs who were assigned to various committees were Hamauswa Shakespear (Deputy Chief Whip); Charlton Hwende (Public Accounts); Joanah Mamombe (Environment & Climate); Lesly Mhangwa (Energy & Power Development); Daniel Molokele (Health and Child Care); Caston Matewu (Information); Minenhle Gumede (Higher Education) and Surrender Kapoikulu (ICT).

The CCC is virtually split in parliament after Chamisa quit the party in January claiming infiltration, this after Tshabangu – styling himself as the party’s interim secretary general – recalled dozens of councillors, senators and MPs.

A faction of Chamisa’s loyalists is led by Timba, while Tshabangu has recognised Prof Welshman Ncube as the new CCC leader.

The new manoeuvres by Mudenda could clear the way for Prof Ncube to secure government recognition as the Leader of the Opposition, an official title that would come with perks. – ZimLive