gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Nicholas “Madzibaba” Zakaria: Fit and Ready for Mozambique Tour Despite Health Speculation – The Zimbabwe Mail

Nicholas “Madzibaba” Zakaria: Fit and Ready for Mozambique Tour Despite Health Speculation

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Renowned musician Nicholas “Madzibaba” Zakaria has assured fans of his good health, dispelling rumors suggesting otherwise.

In an interview with Standard Style, the sungura icon acknowledged recent health challenges but affirmed his readiness to embark on a weekend tour in Mozambique.

“Yes, I have not been well, but I am in a much better state and departing for weekend shows in Mozambique this evening [last Thursday],” he confirmed.

Addressing media reports about his health, Zakaria expressed gratitude for the widespread concern shown by music enthusiasts, journalists, fellow artists, and the public at large. He emphasized the need for improved coordination in official communications and resource mobilization efforts.

The Senior Lecturer commenced his Mozambican tour with performances at Predio Zeka Aolado Da Bomba and Cine UNIAO (SONGO), with plans to conclude at Mutarara Nhambayamwe on Tuesday. During these concerts, he previewed songs from his upcoming album, set for release before the year ends.

“I am releasing a few singles in the next few weeks, and the album is coming before the end of the year,” Zakaria shared. “We are using these live shows to sample the forthcoming songs, and fans really like them.”

Acknowledging support from medical professionals and corporate allies, including Dr. Johannes Marisa of the Medical and Dental Private Practitioners of Zimbabwe Association (MDPPZA), Zakaria expressed gratitude for their assistance in times of need.

“There is no way we would not attend to the Senior Lecturer,” affirmed Dr. Marisa. “He is the godfather of sungura, and at Westview Medical Centre, we consider our artistes as part of our corporate social responsibility.”

Nicholas “Madzibaba” Zakaria, who turned 68 in April, holds a distinguished career spanning nearly five decades, mentoring notable musicians in the industry. His albums like Mabvi Nemagokora and Ndine Mubvunzo remain classics among his 29 releases.

As he continues to entertain audiences across borders, Zakaria remains a pillar of Zimbabwean music, poised to enrich the cultural landscape with his timeless melodies.

Source: The Standard