gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mangudya Highlights Importance of Well-Managed Parastatals for Economic Growth – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mangudya Highlights Importance of Well-Managed Parastatals for Economic Growth

John Mangudya
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HARARE – The chief executive of the Mutapa Investment Fund (MIF) John Mangudya, has emphasized the vital role that well-managed State-owned enterprises (SOEs) play in fostering economic growth in Zimbabwe.

Speaking at a recent economic forum, Mangudya outlined how efficient and transparent management of SOEs can significantly contribute to the country’s economic development. He stressed that well-run parastatals are essential for delivering key public services, driving industrial growth, and creating employment opportunities.

“State-owned enterprises are pivotal to our economic framework. When managed effectively, they can stimulate growth, support infrastructure development, and enhance service delivery,” Mangudya stated. He called for reforms to ensure these enterprises operate with accountability and efficiency, thereby maximizing their contribution to the national economy.

Mangudya’s remarks come at a time when Zimbabwe is focusing on revitalizing its economy through structural reforms and improved governance. The government has been pushing for enhanced performance and oversight of SOEs to ensure they align with the broader economic goals.

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