AirZim disowns two planes in its hangers

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In a surprising revelation during a parliamentary portfolio committee meeting yesterday, Air Zimbabwe’s board and management admitted they do not know the owners of two aircraft currently in the airline’s custody.

This disclosure has raised serious concerns about transparency and oversight within the national carrier.

During the session, members of the committee pressed Air Zimbabwe officials for details regarding the ownership and legal status of the aircraft. However, the responses from the board and management indicated a lack of clarity and documentation on the matter.

“We are currently unable to confirm the ownership of these two aircraft,” an Air Zimbabwe representative stated. “Efforts are being made to trace the ownership and ensure all records are updated accordingly.”

This admission has sparked alarm among parliamentary members and the public, highlighting potential governance and operational issues within the airline. The lack of transparency could have significant implications for the management and operational efficiency of Air Zimbabwe, as well as for its financial accountability.

One committee member commented, “It is concerning that Air Zimbabwe, as a national airline, cannot ascertain the ownership of aircraft in its custody. This raises questions about the internal controls and management practices within the organization.”

The parliamentary committee has called for a thorough investigation into the matter, urging Air Zimbabwe to expedite the process of determining the ownership and to report back with comprehensive findings. The committee emphasized the need for improved record-keeping and enhanced oversight to prevent similar issues in the future.

As the investigation unfolds, stakeholders are keenly watching for further developments, hoping for swift resolution and increased accountability within Air Zimbabwe’s operations.