Zimbabwe sets technical modalities for Starlink implementation

A standard Starlink kit
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HARARE – Zimbabwe is set to finalize the technical arrangements needed to adopt Starlink, a high-speed and cost-effective broadband service, positioning the nation among a select few in Africa to embrace this technology.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s endorsement has facilitated this initiative, which aims to enhance internet connectivity across the country.

Dr. Tatenda Mavetere, the Minister of Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services, announced that efforts are underway to expedite the necessary technical preparations, including ensuring compatibility with existing network providers. The goal is to complete these preparations within two weeks, with a full rollout anticipated by the third quarter of the year.

Dr. Mavetere highlighted the President’s support and emphasized that licensing Starlink would significantly enhance nationwide connectivity efficiency. She pointed out the potential benefits, such as cheaper backhaul access for operators in remote areas where traditional infrastructure like fiber optics or cell towers is impractical.

She also underscored the economic advantages, predicting an increase in GDP through enhanced e-commerce, improved government services, and higher tax revenues from digital transactions. Starlink, developed by Elon Musk, utilizes low-earth orbit satellites to provide rapid, low-latency internet connections, offering a stark contrast to older, higher-altitude satellite technologies.

This development marks a significant step forward in Zimbabwe’s efforts to improve its digital infrastructure and economic growth.

Source: The Sunday News