Parliament Refrains from Parallel Investigation into Presidential Goat Scheme Scandal

Mike Chimombe
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HARARE, Zimbabwe – The Zimbabwean Parliament will not pursue its own investigation into allegations of misuse of the Presidential Goat Scheme involving prominent businessmen Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu, as the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) is already handling the case.

This decision was announced today by the Speaker of the National Assembly, Advocate Jacob Mudenda.

The ruling came in response to a request from Marondera Central Member of Parliament, Mr. Caston Matewu, who suggested that the Parliament Portfolio Committee on Public Accounts should investigate the allegations. However, Advocate Mudenda emphasized that since ZACC is already actively investigating the matter, there is no need for Parliament to initiate a parallel inquiry.

“While the concern raised is valid, there is no necessity for Parliament to intervene at this stage since ZACC has already launched its investigation,” Mudenda stated. He further explained that if Parliament had been the first to identify the allegations, it would have referred the case to ZACC for investigation.

Advocate Mudenda highlighted the importance of adhering to the principle of separation of powers, which dictates that different branches of the state should not encroach on each other’s responsibilities. “As Parliament, we must observe the doctrine of separation of powers. If one arm of the State is seized with a matter, we cannot come in to investigate,” he asserted.

Despite Parliament’s decision not to conduct its own investigation, Advocate Mudenda reassured that the issue would still be subject to parliamentary scrutiny. ZACC is required to submit annual reports to Parliament, which will provide lawmakers with the opportunity to debate the findings and developments related to the case.

Advocate Mudenda also clarified that his ruling does not restrict parliamentary debate on the matter. “This ruling does not mean that I have gagged debate,” he said, underscoring that the legislative body retains the right to discuss and review the case within the bounds of its procedural framework.

The Presidential Goat Scheme, intended to support livestock farming and economic development, has come under scrutiny following allegations of abuse involving Chimombe and Mpofu. ZACC’s investigation aims to uncover any wrongdoing and ensure accountability.

As the investigation progresses, both Parliament and the public will closely monitor ZACC’s findings, reflecting the government’s commitment to transparency and the fight against corruption.