Government Seeks Mandatory Jail Terms for Road Asset Vandals

Transport minister Felix Mhona has been ordered to pay man who broke leg after walking into unsealed storm drain
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In a bid to protect the country’s road infrastructure, the government is advocating for mandatory jail terms for individuals who vandalize road assets. This move is part of a broader effort to deter the rampant theft and destruction of critical infrastructure such as road signs, guardrails, reflective studs, and bridges.

Road vandalism has emerged as a significant issue, with thieves targeting essential components of the country’s transport network. Addressing Parliament last week, Transport and Infrastructure Development Minister Felix Mhona condemned the destruction of road assets and vowed to implement stringent measures against the perpetrators.

“We have criminals in this country who are sabotaging our development efforts by vandalizing our infrastructure. We are pushing for specific sentences for these vandals to help maintain our infrastructure. Even our road reflectors are not spared,” said Minister Mhona.

Minister Mhona emphasized that these irresponsible acts are undermining national efforts to improve road infrastructure, calling for severe penalties for those responsible. “Artisanal miners are digging under roads and rails, causing significant damage. This reckless behaviour extends to bridges, where components are stolen and sold. We cannot allow this to continue.”

The destruction of these vital assets not only compromises road safety but also hinders the government’s efforts to enhance the transportation network. Thieves are endangering lives by stealing reflective road studs from newly-built roads in Harare and the Harare-Beitbridge highway, raising concerns about the safety of motorists and pedestrians.

A recent survey by The Herald revealed that reflective studs installed along Willowvale Road last year have disappeared. The thieves reportedly target the aluminium in the studs, which they melt and sell to scrap metal dealers.

The government is now urging the public to raise awareness and report incidents of vandalism to safeguard the nation’s road infrastructure and ensure the safety of all road users. – Herald