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Businessmen set to turn tables on Chivayo

Moses Mpofu (left) and Mike Chimombe (right))
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HARARE – Two businessmen, Moses Mpofu and Mike Chimombe, faced intense questioning by anti-corruption investigators on Monday over inflated contracts worth over US$100 million awarded by the Zimbabwe Election Commission (ZEC).

Mpofu and Chimombe were also scrutinized regarding the alleged misappropriation of ZWL1.6 billion linked to a tender for purchasing over 600,000 goats under the Presidential Goat Scheme.

Their lawyer, Tapson Dzvetero, commented outside the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) offices in Harare, saying, “We just presented our clients to ZACC, who indicated that they will call us when they need us. My clients are willing to assist with any investigation. For now, we have been excused.”

The two businessmen are reportedly offering to turn state witnesses in the investigation into the ZEC contracts for election materials following a fallout with their partner, Wicknell Chivayo. Chivayo is alleged to have pocketed millions of dollars from these tenders.

Chivayo, Mpofu, and Chimombe, in collaboration with gold dealer Scott Sakupwanya of Better Brands, arranged with South African company Ren Form CC to bid for ZEC tenders. They then inflated the prices of goods supplied to ZEC by adding millions of dollars to Ren Form’s invoices. Ren Form subsequently paid them “commission” through South African bank accounts.

The partners’ relationship soured after Chivayo allegedly renegotiated the deal with Ren Form, ceasing payments of their share of the “commission.”

ZEC, Ren Form, and Chivayo have all denied any wrongdoing.

Source: ZimLive